Here is a short overview of the past semester
with Chabad at the University of Maryland:

~ Please feel free to click any of the links to see more info about that event. ~
* Mezuzah Hanging! 100+ put up around campus! Photos
* Monday Night on North Campus! Photos
* Learning Opportunities! (Sinai Scholars, Your Israel, Parsha, Tanya, one on one, and group learning) Photos
* Weekly Friday Tables putting on Tefillin & giving out Shabbat Candles! Photos
* Italiano Shabbato with 270+ students! Photos
* Friendship Circle YAD Community Service! Photos
* Shabbat Mexicano with 200+ students! Photos
* Purim Parties, Megillah Readings, & A Sit Down Purim Meal/Farbrengen! Photos
* Passover Seders & Shmurah Matzah Distribution! Photos
* Kosher BLT! Bagels, Lox & Teffilin! Photos
* Israel Fest Kotel! Photos
* Reading Day BBQ! Photos
* Midnight Breakfast at the Library during finals! Photos
* UMD Basketball Kosher Concession Stand! Photos
* Graduation Dinner! Photos
* Open House for Graduates & their families! Photos
More photos can be found on our
Facebook Page @umdchabad and Instagram @umdchabad
Not included here are many events:
*Shabbat & Holiday Dinners , *Smaller dorm and Greek house events, *Chaplaincy counseling, *One on one and group learning opportunities, *Forget your GPA Shabbat Dinner, *Greek Life Shabbat Happy Hour, & many more!
To keep this all going, we need your support!
Click here to donate today!
For last semester’s overview click here